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Dealing with Deities

A no-prep GMless card based game about Dysfunctional Demigods.

In this game, the gods are dead, and their children feel they don’t get the respect they deserve. Despite their infinite lives, demigods tend to be self-absorbed, petty, dramatic, and impulsive. This is ultimately a game about dramatic and selfish people who happen to have powers. These people both love and hate each other, and generally live to manipulate one another and the mortals they run into.

How to Play

When you want to do something with uncertainty, or when you want to use your powers draw cards. You draw two by default and can expend your power tokens to draw more. Compare the highest and lowest card you draw against two (or more) cards drawn in opposition, creating a yes/and, no/but system. If cards are the same face, they are ordered by suit. Hearts are the lowest, followed by diamonds, clubs, and spades being the highest.

If your highest card is higher than the oppositions you get what you want, if it’s lower you do not. If your lowest card is higher than the oppositions you get something good that wasn’t what you wanted. If your lowest card is lower something goes wrong.

Expend your power to increase the number of cards drawn. Mortals or other minor obstacles always draw 2 cards. When opposing another demigod, you can both expend power to draw more cards.

Create your setting

Before play, it should be decided when and where your game will take place. Have the most beautiful player flip 2 cards, have the smartest assign one to the Time Period and one to the Location.

Time Period:


Create your demigods

To create your demigods, each player draws 5 cards from the deck. Each player assigns 1 card to each aspect for your character and your situation prompt, you should have one card leftover.

What is your domain?

You feel that mortals are

The Mortals

Your situation prompt

Discard all cards used so far and shuffle them back into the deck before play.

The Scenario

After characters are created, answer the situation questions as a group to create a starting scenario. You may wish to employ a white board, large piece of paper, or digital flowchart to track what is happening and how everyone feels about it. Not all of the situation prompt questions need to be used. If a question feels like it is throwing off what is already established, or if the group decides that they simply don’t think it sounds fun, feel free to throw that prompt out. This decision should be unanimous.


A scene is just like a scene in a play or tv show. It occurs in one location and lasts for a short while, taking us through a small part of the overall story. Each scene, with the exception of the final scene, will give one demigod the spotlight. The player with the spotlight is responsible for establishing and leading the scene centered on what their demigod is doing. Optionally, for a longer session or for smaller groups, give each demigod the spotlight twice.

Establish the Scene

The player with the spotlight will determine who is in the scene and where it is taking place. This includes the demigods, any notable mortals, and how large of a crowd of non-notable mortals are around, if any. Describe what the location looks like what what sort of conflict your demigod is having. Any player not playing a demigod in the scene will be in charge of any mortals present. A scene can have up to 5 notable mortals, and a crowd of nameless mortals.

Play through the scene

The spotlight player will begin by describing or acting out what their demigod is doing. The other present demigods and mortals will react to what they are doing, and the spotlight player will react in turn. When any player wishes to change the situation, draw cards to determine how that action resolves. Play goes on until the scene is resolved, or a timer can be set.

End the Scene

When the scene feels as if it is coming to an end, initiate end of scene procedure. Each demigod will gain power tokens based on the behavior of the mortals whether they were present in the scene or not. Notable mortals count as a single mortal and a crowd of nameless mortals count as 2 mortals for this step. Once power is distributed, the spotlight player will select who gets the spotlight next. If all players have gotten the spotlight, then move on to the final scene.

The Final Scene

The Final Scene is one with all demigods present. It functions as a climax, or an epilogue, depending on how the story has gone so far. Work together to describe one final scene where all of the demigods are together, and play through it. This is a great time to use any remaining power tokens, as you have no use for them after this.


To create a new Mortal draw 2 cards. Assign the suit of one card to Age and the other to Presentation. Assign the value of one card to demeanor and the other to Desire



